86 research outputs found

    Dietary Diversity in School Going Children: Review

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    Child malnutrition is a public health problem in developing countries, and dietary diversity is one of the important determinants of undernutrition. Different nutrients are obtained from different food groups and to meet the requirement of recommended Dietary Allowances entitled as Dietary Diversity. The current review revealed that the nutrition status of children is directly related to the food groups consumed. Food diversity depends on many factors such as Socio-economic Status, education level, sex, and age of the subjects. The food group consumed and food items taken from each group were low in the low Socio-Economic Status (SES) subjects, rural areas, females, and less educated families, resulting in malnutrition among children of various countries. Low level of Dietary Diversity can be the reason for undernutrition in children worldwide, especially in developing countries. Many studies thus supported that Dietary Diversity and Food Variety can provide nutritional adequacy

    Can Smart Supply Chain Bring Agility and Resilience for Enhanced Sustainable Business Performance?

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    Purpose Supply chains need to be made viable in this volatile and competitive market, which could be possible through digitalization. This study is an attempt to explore the role of Industry 4.0, smart supply chain, supply chain agility and supply chain resilience on sustainable business performance from the lens of natural resource-based view. Design/methodology/approach The study tests the proposed model using a covariance-based structural equation modelling and further investigates the ranking of each construct using the artificial neural networks approach in AMOS and SPSS respectively. A total of 234 respondents selected using purposive sampling aided in capturing the industry practices across supply chains in the UK. The full collinearity test was carried out to study the common method bias and the content validity was carried out using the item content validity index and scale content validity index. The convergent and discriminant validity of the constructs and mediation study was carried out in SPSS and AMOS V.23. Findings The results are overtly inferring the significant impact of Industry 4.0 practices on creating smart and ultimately sustainable supply chains. A partial relationship is established between Industry 4.0 and supply chain agility through a smart supply chain. This work empirically reinstates the combined significance of green practices, Industry 4.0, smart supply chain, supply chain agility and supply chain resilience on sustainable business value. The study also uses the ANN approach to determine the relative importance of each significant variable found in SEM analysis. ANN determines the ranking among the significant variables, i.e. supply chain resilience \u3e green practices \u3e Industry 4.0\u3e smart supply chain \u3e supply chain agility presented in descending order. Originality/value This study is a novel attempt to establish the role of digitalization in SCs for attaining sustainable business value, providing empirical support to the mediating role of supply chain agility, supply chain resilience and smart supply chain and manifests a significant integrated framework. This work reinforces the integrated model that combines all the constructs dealt with in silos so far in prior literature

    Envisaging AR travel revolution for visiting heritage sites:A mixed-method approach

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    Augmented Reality (AR) offers transformative potential for augmenting and replacing realities within a wide range of business and social applications. Within this, this study explores antecedents of behavioral adoption of AR mobile travel apps to visit a heritage site by substituting in-person and corporeal tourism experiences through a visualization technique that overlays 3D simulated architecture in front of a user. This research specifically investigates the collective impact of perceived app attributes of the AR service model, and critical characteristics of users in terms of their underlying psychological predispositions impacting their behavioral intention to use AR travel apps for heritage tourism in an emerging nation. In pursuance of this, we adopt a unique mixed-method research methodology where industry experts and travel enthusiasts are invited to delve into the phenomenon and identify facilitators of AR mobile app adoption for heritage tourism in India. Empirical findings find that experiential authenticity, service quality, and user innovativeness are the significant underlying factors expediting the use of AR mobile apps. Additionally, with a focus on the sustainability aspect of AR tourism, this study considers sustainability within travel. This construct is critical since it discerns how it affects the boundary conditions in the light of consumers' personality characteristics for determining intention to use AR apps, thereby providing insightful inferences for the tourism industry and research.</p

    Disruptive Technologies in Smart Farming: An Expanded View with Sentiment Analysis

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    Smart Farming (SF) is an emerging technology in the current agricultural landscape. The aim of Smart Farming is to provide tools for various agricultural and farming operations to improve yield by reducing cost, waste, and required manpower. SF is a data-driven approach that can mitigate losses that occur due to extreme weather conditions and calamities. The influx of data from various sensors, and the introduction of information communication technologies (ICTs) in the field of farming has accelerated the implementation of disruptive technologies (DTs) such as machine learning and big data. Application of these predictive and innovative tools in agriculture is crucial for handling unprecedented conditions such as climate change and the increasing global population. In this study, we review the recent advancements in the field of Smart Farming, which include novel use cases and projects around the globe. An overview of the challenges associated with the adoption of such technologies in their respective regions is also provided. A brief analysis of the general sentiment towards Smart Farming technologies is also performed by manually annotating YouTube comments and making use of the pattern library. Preliminary findings of our study indicate that, though there are several barriers to the implementation of SF tools, further research and innovation can alleviate such risks and ensure sustainability of the food supply. The exploratory sentiment analysis also suggests that most digital users are not well-informed about such technologies

    Greening of supply chain to drive performance through logical integration of supply chain resources

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    Sustainability has always been a concern of humankind in one form or the other. Still, it has come into sharper focus after the promulgation of the sustainable development goals in 2015 and the disruptive forces unleashed by the COVID‐19 pandemic. Supply chain management is an aspect of business operations wherein the need for sustainability has been felt more keenly. The academic and business understanding of various nuances of incorporating sustainability, particularly environmental concerns in the supply chain, is still evolving. Our study seeks to enrich the growing literature in the area by proposing to uncover a novel, logical sequence of intangible supply chain resources that can amplify the impact of green supply chain management practices (GSCMPs) on business performance. We use the dual‐theoretical lens of a resource‐based view and stakeholder theories to conceptualize the sequential mediational role of supply chain visibility, resilience, and robustness between GSCMP and performance. Analyzing data collected from 318 individuals working in the manufacturing sector in the United Kingdom, we found a positive direct association of GSCMP with performance and the serial mediational role of visibility and robustness between the two. The findings of our study are pertinent for theorists as well as managers

    RUFY1 binds Arl8b and mediates endosome-to-TGN CI-M6PR retrieval for cargo sorting to lysosomes

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    Arl8b, an Arf-like GTP-binding protein, regulates cargo trafficking and positioning of lysosomes. However, it is unknown whether Arl8b regulates lysosomal cargo sorting. Here, we report that Arl8b binds to the Rab4 and Rab14 interaction partner, RUN and FYVE domain-containing protein (RUFY) 1, a known regulator of cargo sorting from recycling endosomes. Arl8b determines RUFY1 endosomal localization through regulating its interaction with Rab14. RUFY1 depletion led to a delay in CI-M6PR retrieval from endosomes to the TGN, resulting in impaired delivery of newly synthesized hydrolases to lysosomes. We identified the dynein-dynactin complex as an RUFY1 interaction partner, and similar to a subset of activating dynein adaptors, the coiled-coil region of RUFY1 was required for interaction with dynein and the ability to mediate dynein-dependent organelle clustering. Our findings suggest that Arl8b and RUFY1 play a novel role on recycling endosomes, from where this machinery regulates endosomes to TGN retrieval of CI-M6PR and, consequently, lysosomal cargo sorting